US Army Quartermaster Corps


The Quartermaster Hall of Fame award is the highest form of recognition the Corps offers. This much coveted award honors individuals who are judged to have made the most significant contributions to the overall history and traditions of the Quartermaster Corps.

CW5 Joel L. Lockhart
Class of 2023

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Joel L. Lockhart served for 26 years, enlisting in the Army in 1987 as a Unit Supply Specialist in Fort Jackson, SC.

Chieef Warrant Officer 5 Lockhart joined the Warrant Officer Cohort in 1996. Before retiring from active duty in 2015, he served in a variety of tactical, operational, and strategic level assignments. He served in austere areas that included Panama, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Lockhart completed four wartime deployments that included Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and Operatios Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He completed all levels of the Warrant Officer Education System and the Acquisition Life Cycle Logistic (Level III) certification. The international Society of Logistics certified him as a Demonstrated Master Logistician (DML).  He graduated cum laude from Excelsior College, with a Bachelor of Science degree.

His most significant military awards include the Army Legion of Merit, Army Bronze Star Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal (7 awards), the Presidential Service Badge, and the Army Staff Badge.

Additional accolades include the Combined Arms Support Command General Brehon B. Somervell Medal of Excellence, Forces Command Major General Aubrey “Red” Newman Award for leadership development, the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association Leadership Award, the Saint Barbara Medal, and recognition as a Distinguished Member of the Quartermaster Regiment.