“Some Succeeded and Some Failed”

Airborne Quartermaster Field Operations By LT. COL. ROBERT C. McKECHNIE, QM-USARQuartermaster Review September-October 1950 What can you conceive more silly and extravagant than to suppose a man racking his brains, and studying night and day how to fly?—WILLIAM...

Flying Quartermaster Bundles for Burma Boys

Quartermaster Training Service Journal24 November 1944(From the archives of the U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum, Fort Lee, Virginia) The plane’s nosing over now.  You’re heading down towards the jungle.  As the plane circles lower, your eyes keep...

U.S. Army Parachute Badge

The first Parachute badge was designed during World War II by Captain (later Lieutenant General) William P. Yarborough of the 501st Parachute Battalion. A memorandum of record written by Captain Yarborough on April 22, 1941, tells the story of the birth of the...

The Remount Service Past and Present

By Major A. A. CEDERWALD, QM-Res.The Quartermaster Review – November-December 1928 IN TRACING the events that led up to the organization of the Remount Service, as we know it today, it seems desirable, purely as an historical recital, to state briefly the efforts made...

QM War Dog is a Combat Unit

Quartermaster Training Service Journal – 7 July 1944 About 4 Feb 44, T/4 Boude with his scout dog, Dick, went out with a Marine reconnaissance patrol of about fifteen men from Co. K. The mission of the patrol was to locate and reconnoiter a trail through a...

Quartermasters on D-Day June 6, 1944

Quartermasters hit the beach (Quartermaster Review Sept-Oct 1944) “No one seems ever to think a soldier in QM ever gets to smell any gunpowder, dig any foxholes, get into any fighting, go without food, mail and the like. Our QM outfit hit the beach on D-day...

Mortuary Affairs Support in Somalia

LT David B. Roath   SFC Frank NapoleonQuartermaster Professional Bulletin – Autumn 1993 Operations other than war (OOTW)-a new term in the Quartermaster dictionary. Quartermasters have had some opportunities to define and explore this new support...

QM Support for Big Switch

by 2nd Lt. Richard L. Henson, QMCQuartermaster Review January-February 1954 EARLY in July of 1951 truce negotiations at Panmunjom, Korea, began. One of the important discussion topics was the exchange of prisoners of war. The final outcome of this topic in the truce...

Supplying Hell: The Campaign for Atlanta

by LT Nick OverbyQuartermaster Professional Bulletin-Winter 1992 “War is Hell” – the famous quote attributed to Major General William T. Sherman – was an understatement for the time and a reality for the soldiers of the Civil War....

Famous Former Quartermasters

Former members of the Quartermaster Corps include U.S. Presidents, supreme court justices, military heroes and prominent citizens.  From the American Revolution to about 1912, officers and noncommissioned officers were detailed from the Infantry, Artillery and...

Subsistence Research Laboratory

Colonel G. F. Doriot, Q.M.C.*The Quartermaster Review – March-April 1944 History of the Quartermaster Subsistence Research Laboratory A QUARTER of a century ago at this Depot a new procedure in Army subsistence was inaugurated. A step was taken which was to...

Feeding Our Soldiers

By MAJ. Louis C. WILSON Q. M. C.The Quartermaster Review – May-June 1928 Overview of Army Rations from the Revolutionary War to 1928 FROM THE wielding of a club by the primitive cave man to the handling of modern scientific and effective implements of warfare by...

Mortuary Affairs Photos – Korea

Cpl. William R. Davidson of Philadelphia, Pa., 114th Graves Registration Co., Quartermaster Corps, fills out a Form 52B, giving information regarding a deceased American soldier at the UN Cemetery at Taegu, Korea.  At right are (l-r) marker (cross), unidentified...

OPPS! Malfunction Photos

From the Archives of the U.S. Army Quartermaster Museum and the Aerial Delivery and Field Services Department, U.S. Army Quartermaster School and Center, Fort Lee, Virginia Operation “Test Drop”, Fort Bragg, NC, February 1953, An MRS tractor which landed...